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Madison Elementary School Class photo 1959

Madison Elementary School Class photo 1959


A child in the front row holds a hand printed sign that reads,"May 1959, Room 5, 1st grade, Mrs. Kaye. This photo would have been taken outside the new Madison School which was completed in 1954. The boys wear long pants, many wear cotton-knit shirts, and the girls wear dresses. Several African-American children are members of the class.


Full Details

TitleMadison Elementary School Class photo 1959
FormatPhotograph 6 1/2 X 8 in.

Title by cataloger. No names are available for the photo.
The photo was originally identified as Hall St. Elementary School, but the error was spotted by a website viewer who was a student of Mrs. Kaye. The GRHC always appreciates corrections, which can be sent to us on our Contact page.

Location In PhotoGrand Rapids, MI

Reproduction and copyright information regarding this image is available from Community Archives and Research Center (CARC), Grand Rapids, MI.

InstitutionCommunity Archives and Research Center (CARC)
Physical Storage LocationGrand Rapids, MI

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