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Grand Rapids in 1856

Scene of early Grand Rapids viewed from the...

Peninsular Saengerfest Parade

Peninsular Saengerfest Parade


Crowds lining the street watch a parade with police in uniform at the front and men on horses behind. Awnings are unfurled on the sunny left of the photo, a flag hangs at the far left, signs can be seen on the fronts of several buildings, and telephone poles line the left side of the street. Carriages are parked at the side, and trolley tracks run down the middle of the street.


Full Details

TitlePeninsular Saengerfest Parade
FormatPhotograph 3 1/2 X 5 in.

Title with photograph. The Peninsular Saengerfest was conducted by the Peninsular Saengerbund, an organization representing most of the German singing societies in the state, and attracted thousands of visitors.

Location In PhotoGrand Rapids, MI
CollectionGrand Rapids History and Special Collections, Photograph Archives

Reproduction and copyright information regarding this image is available from Grand Rapids History & Special Collections, Archives, Grand Rapids Public Library, Grand Rapids, MI

InstitutionGrand Rapids Public Library
Physical Storage LocationGrand Rapids Public Library, Main Branch

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