Back of the Pantlind Hotel
Jack Ropoleski - 1979
This view of the west side of the Pantlind Hotel, facing Campau Ave., looks south from Lyon St. toward Pearl St. The old Woolworth dime store is just visible at the end of Campau. The marquee at center right of the photo was the entrance to the Back Room Saloon. The corner of the building at the far right is the old Exhibitors Building or Fire Arts Building. Several automobiles from the 1970s and two delivery trucks line Campau Ave.
Full Details
Title | Back of the Pantlind Hotel |
Creator | Jack Ropoleski |
Date | 1979 |
Format | Photograph |
Notes | Title by contributor. When the Pantlind Hotel became the Amway Grand Plaza, and the hotel expanded to include the Fine Arts Building, this section of Campau Ave. ceased to exist. |
Location In Photo | Grand Rapids, MI |
Collection | Jack Ropoleski |