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Grand Rapids in 1856

Scene of early Grand Rapids viewed from the...

Simply Salvage, Setting the House

Simply Salvage, Setting the House

GRHC - 2010

The building lifted and supported by a large crane owned by the Gelock Company sets the building on supporting blocks at the Aveda Building on Commerce St. The curved sides of '10 Simply Salvage are visible as well as the red and green peaked roof. Large multi-storied buildings in the background dwarf the small house. A construction worker in the foreground guides the direction of the crane. A wrought iron fence encloses the area and stairs at the left lead to street level.


Full Details

TitleSimply Salvage, Setting the House

'10 Simply Salvage, a building constructed by Brent Ahmicasaube, was an ArtPrize 2010 entry using ninety per-cent salvaged materials.

Location In PhotoGrand Rapids, MI

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