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Grand Rapids in 1856

Scene of early Grand Rapids viewed from the...

Budynek Szkoly, Trzemeszno, Poland

Budynek Szkoly, Trzemeszno, Poland

Marceli Konieczny - 2006 ca

The image in the center, the Alumnat, was the first building of the school, Budynek Szkoly, founded by the Abbot and Bishop Kosmowski in 1774; the school opened May 4th, 1776. The Alumnat no longer houses students but is a residence for priests. The other four photos show views of the three buildings that make up the school. The building in the upper left corner is the Lyceum/Gymnasium.


Full Details

TitleBudynek Szkoly, Trzemeszno, Poland
CreatorMarceli Konieczny
Date2006 ca

This school is where Maciej Adamski, our contributor, teaches History and English and his wife teaches English.
Postcard contributed by Maciej Adamski, Trzemeszno, Poland

Location In PhotoTrzemeszno, Poland

Permission granted by Wielkopolskie Stowarzyszenie Wychowanków Gimnazjum i Liceum w Trzemesznie (society of the Gimnazjum and Liceum graduates)

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