Pitsch Co. Historical Photos, Version 2
by Fr. Dennis Morrow
Pitsch Company (Capitol City Wrecking Co.) Mid-1930s
Both versions 1 & 2 list images available at the Grand Rapids Public Library.
Version 1, listed by the Library’s numeration system (Set No.), is necessary for finding an item at the library.
Version 2, uses alphabetical order (Location), which aids in locating a particular street.
Set No. Location
32-1 Fifth & Broadway N.W. (alley)
66-2 650 Seventh N.W. (sheds)
15-4, 15-5 Ninth N.W. (houses)
38-6 655 Ninth N.W.
6-7 509 Alabama N.W.
60-1 138 Antoine S.W.
6-6 Arlington Pl. & Delaware S.E.
x-19 1302 Ashland N.E.
5-3, 8-1 530 Bond N.W.
12-2 Broadway N.W. (1-family home)
32-1 Broadway & Fifth N.W. (alley)
x-18 811 Broadway N.W., apt.
38-9 528 Butterworth S.W.
15-6 111 College N.E.
13-1 48 Commerce S.W.
20-3 117 Commerce S.W.
8-2 540 Crescent N.E.
60-4 540 Crescent N.E. (Herpolsheimer barn)
9-2 32 Cutler S.W.
38-5 2?? Division N. (Kewpee Hamburgs)
x-20 1725 Division S.
20-1 1950 Division S.
8-3 351 Eastern S.E.
2-2 724 Eleanor N.E. (L. Valkier, barn)
8-4 211-13 Erie N.W.
13-3 32 & 36 Fair S.E.
13-4 40 Fair S.E.
34-2 (before); 15-2 1-3-5-7-9 Fountain N.W.
5-1, x-5 411 Fulton E., sideboard
x-4, x-6 411 Fulton E., interior (mantel)
x-7 411 Fulton E., dining room mantel
34-3, 38-1; 16-2 S.E. corner Fulton W. & Ionia S.W.
6-5 (before); 1-1 346-56 Fulton W.
3-1 601 Fulton W.
8-5, x-22 1001-15 Godfrey S.W., Standardized Furniture Co.
15-3 21 Goodrich S.W.
4-3 Goodrich & Ney S.W.
x-16 Graham St., S.W. (sheds)
x-17 Graham St., S.W. (sheds, Franklin St. viaduct)
38-7 226 Grandville S.W.
16-1 247-49 Grandville S.W.
4-2 (before); 60-6 806 Grandville S.W.
62-1 1526 Grandville S.W.
50-2; cf. 50-1 Hastings N.W. (Ohio House barn)
18-2 545 Henry S.E.
17-1 401 Ionia N.W. (under demolition)
50-3 817 Ionia N.W.
61-3 1019 Ionia N.W.
5-2 1115 Ionia N.W.
34-3, 38-1; 16-2 S.E. corner Ionia & Fulton W.
38-8; cf. 34-3, 38-1, 16-22 Ionia S.W. (Hamel Stag Lunch)
38-4 444 Ionia S.W.
x-15 814 Ionia S.W.
60-7 41 Jefferson S.E. (white mantel)
8-6 (before);60-3 47 Jefferson S.E.
13-2 351 Jefferson S.E. (garages at rear)
x-13 King Ct., S.W. (houses)
x-14 340-42-44 King Ct., S.W.
1-3 411 Lafayette N.E.
6-8 41 LaGrave S.E.
38-10 128 LaGrave S.E.
28-2 133 LaGrave S.E.
17-4 301 LaGrave S.E.
16-3, 16-4 1015-17 Lake Dr., S.E.
15-1 9?? Leonard N.W., Hi-Speed gas station
34-1 923 Leonard N.W. (Fortuin Pastry Shop)
8-7 147-49 Logan S.E.
7-5 3000 Monroe N.E., Company “E” Bldg.
60-5 Monroe Ave., N.W. (Wurzburg’s parking lot)
50-1; cf. 50-2 500 Monroe N.W. (Ohio House)
V122 610 Ottawa N.W. (crossed out)
x-12 1040 Ottawa N.W.
8-8 Plainfield Ave., N.E., Sligh house
7-4 513 Stocking N.W.
12-4 513 Stocking N.W. (before demolition)
6-2 950 & 952 Wealthy S.E.
x-11 1106 Wealthy S.E.
2-3 211-13 Wealthy S.W.
x-10 Blodgett, barn
2-1 Dudley Waters estate (large barn)
x-2 Grand Rapids Chair Co.
28-1; cf. 17-2 Greenway Estate--greenhouse
x-1 Keeler Brass, location unknown
2-4 Maryland Farms
18-1 Munson Building, location unknown
5-4 Cadillac, Mason St., old blacksmith shop
1-2 Camp Lake, ice house
25-1 Comstock Park, 11-19 Tannery St.
12-1 Coopersville, IOOF Hall
x-8 East Grand Rapids, barn
x-9, x-23 Flint, close-up of rear of No. 35 Buick plant
61-1, 61-2 Grand Haven, Rocks Carving Factory
8-10 Hopkins, Lovall Hall
12-3 Ionia, Ionia Hotel
8-11, 38-11 Ionia, Pere Marquette shops
8-12 Kalamazoo, Goodale Funeral Home
60-2 Kalamazoo, 431 W. Michigan Ave.
8-13, 25-2, 25-3 Kalamazoo, 624 W. Michigan Ave.
9-1, 9-3 Kalamazoo, new post office site, W. Michigan Ave. & N. Park St.
38-2 Kalamazoo, marble mantel
4-1, 8-14 Lansing, City Market
8-15 Lansing, Downey Hotel
6-1, 8-16, x-21 Lansing, Francis Apts.
8-17 Lansing, Logan St. School
x-3 Mason, dance hall
7-1 New York Central roundhouse
7-2 station
7-3 freight bldg. & water tower
38-3 Sparta, Muskegon Foundry
1-4, 1-5 & 8-18 Sparta, Sparta Coach & Body Co.
32-2 Wyoming, 30 Blackburn S.W.
28-3, 28-4 Wyoming, Clyde Park S.W., picric acid plant
8-9 Wyoming, Rathbone St., S.W.
6-3, 6-4 unknown industrial
8-19 unknown, J. Goosmann & Co. store
8-20 unknown, Kellogg-Burlingame Co., Electric Supply Co.
10-1 unknown, A.B. Knowlton Co. coal
17-2; cf. 28-1 unknown--interior of greenhouse?
17-3 unknown--mansions
18-3 unknown industrial
20-2 “Job wrecked by others” (ruins)
31-1 unknown 2-story brick dwelling
31-2 unknown buildings at rear of 31-1
31-3 unknown, 3 houses & brick comm. garage
31-4; cf. 31-1, 31-2 unknown large brick mansion
66-1 unknown, houses