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How the Grand Rapids/Kent Co. Cards Survived

Grand Rapids Historical Society Minutes, Annual Meeting,

February 4, 1919, Page 26-27

4.  A conference was help in December with the Kent County War Board at which time a director appointed by the Governor to compile records of Michigan soldiers and sailors in the service of the great war, was present. The library has no definite information as to what was done at the time except that further developments were to be left in the hand of Mr. Clay H. Hollister. [Chairman of the GR War Board]

5.  That the cards for the registration of women will eventually come to the library was the hope of Mr. Ranck, [Head Librarian GR Public Library] and so far as is known such is the plan of the Women’s Council of National Defense.

A motion was made by Mrs. McKee that the president appoint a committee of three to confer with the proper authorities who are working with the State Director appointed by the Governor with reference to finding out what is being done with reference to securing the records for the library. Motion carried

President appointed Mrs. McKee, Mrs. Georgia M. Hubbard, and Miss Annie A. Pollard as the Committee.

Signed Samuel Ranck, Secretary

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