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Grand Rapids in 1856

Scene of early Grand Rapids viewed from the...

Have You Ridden the GR Railway Co. Launches?

The Grand Rapids Railway company has placed two beautiful electric launches, “Lakewood” and “Ramona” on Reed’s Lake. These handsome little gems of the boat-maker’s art are placed at the disposal of amusement seekers at Ramona. They are swift and safe and can amply accommodate twenty-five or thirty passengers. They can ply along the shores where the larger boats cannot run in safety. They ride close to the water, where passengers can drink in all the exhilaration of the fresh breezes and the beautiful sights. They form a most attractive addition to the splendid equipment of the Valley City’s Coney Island.

At present the channel which connects Reed’s Lake with Fisk Lake is being dredged out and cleared of its weeds. Already the “Lakewood” and “Ramona” are pushing their graceful noses through the water of this second lake to the east of the city. A trip around the charming shore line of both of these bodies of water is a treat beyond compare. It affords a passing glimpse of the Japanese Gardens of Michigan.

The launches are at the service of the public and it is anticipated that their popularity will soon be city-wide.

Excerpted from the Street Railway Weekly, August 12, 1905. The Street Railway Weekly was free to patrons of the Grand Rapids Railway Co. It later became the Trolley Topics.

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